"Omou" and "Kangaeru" (Think)

Jun 19, 2016 11:59
Today, I will talk about the Japanese verbs "omou" and "kangaeru."

Both of them can be translated into "think" in English, but the nuances are different.

Commonly, "omou" is used to show a thought that is based on your feeling or subjective view.

On the other hand, "kangaeru" is used to show a thought that is based on your analysis or objective view.

Also, "kangaeru" can reinforce your confidence to your thought.

Therefore, "kangaeru" is mainly used at scientific sentences and formal speeches.

"Omou" is basically used in everyday conversation.


「思う」と「考える」はいずれも "think" と訳すことができますが、そのニュアンスは異なります。





No. 1 ProHippo's correction
  • Today, I will talk about the Japanese verbs "omou" and "kangaeru."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Both of them can be translated into "think" in English, but the nuances are different.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Commonly, "omou" is used to show a thought that is based on your feeling or subjective view.
  • Commonly, "omou" is used to show a thought that is based on your feelings or subjective view.
  • On the other hand, "kangaeru" is used to show a thought that is based on your analysis or objective view.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Also, "kangaeru" can reinforce your confidence to your thought.
  • Also, "kangaeru" can reinforce your confidence in your thought.
  • Therefore, "kangaeru" is mainly used at scientific sentences and formal speeches.
  • Therefore, "kangaeru" is mainly used in scientific sentences and formal speeches.
     "for" might be able to work here too, but "in" is better.
  • "Omou" is basically used in everyday conversation.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
This was very interesting and helpful!
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that :)
どういたしまして ^^
No. 2 sleepcircle's correction
  • Also, "kangaeru" can reinforce your confidence to your thought.
  • Also, "kangaeru" can reinforce your confidence in your thought.
     奇態なことには、「confidence」と「trust」が位置付けられる物です。ある意味では、"Putting your trust in someone"時で、自分の心の部分を渡しています。


I hope I was at least able to be understood.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
And thank you for letting me know the interesting example :)
No. 3 マーセル's correction
  • Today, I will talk about the Japanese verbs "omou" and "kangaeru."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Both of them can be translated into "think" in English, but the nuances are different.
  • Both of them can be translated into English as "to think", but the nuances are different.
  • Commonly, "omou" is used to show a thought that is based on your feeling or subjective view.
  • Commonly, "omou" is used to describe a thought based on your feelings or subjective views.
  • On the other hand, "kangaeru" is used to show a thought that is based on your analysis or objective view.
  • "Kangaeru", on the other hand, is used for thoughts based on your analysis or objective views.
  • Also, "kangaeru" can reinforce your confidence to your thought.
  • Also, "kangaeru" can add a feeling confidence to your thought.
  • Therefore, "kangaeru" is mainly used at scientific sentences and formal speeches.
  • Therefore, "kangaeru" is mainly used in scientific contexts and formal speeches.
  • "Omou" is basically used in everyday conversation.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Useful! I was just wondering about this the other day.
Thank you very much for correcting my post!
I'm happy if my post can be of any help :)